All about quit smoking,stop smoking and best tips for quit smoking

by: Ay Samuel

Quit smoking cigarettes easily can be as easy as breaking a stick of broom. We only need to lock our selves into using the right techniques and we will see how easy it can be to quit the use of tobacco in very little time.

One thing that we have not realized yet is the fact that our cravings to smoke are not physical. The truth is that we are mentally addicted to cigarettes. Some people will ask how it is so. The thing is that we are already used to lighting up those sticks and smoke them whenever we decide to. Once we decide to smoke, we simply go ahead to do so. It is because we have our minds addicted to it, that is why we do what we do. If we notice carefully, we find that we smoke at will.

Rather than trying to fight the nicotine addiction (physical addiction), we ought to take action in breaking ourselves free from the mental tie that we have with smoking. That is the best way to quit the problem completely. Unless we stand and cut ourselves off from those mental ties, we will just be wasting out time and efforts trying to quit.

The way we can break ourselves from those mental ties is simply to convince ourselves that we don't need those sticks anymore. The thing is that we all smoke for some unknown reasons. If someone come up to us and asks us why we smoke, we won't have a really solid answer to give, if we are to really be honest with the answers that we provide.

All we need to do to quit smoking cigarettes easily is teach ourselves that we don't need to smoke ever again. To do this we will need to apply certain simple techniques that are proven to be very effective in helping anyone to quit the use of cigarettes. With these techniques, we won't have to experience nasty months of withdrawal from smoking. And we won't have to set quit dates without prior reduction or preparation.

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